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10 Mistakes to Avoid When Redesigning Your Website

Whatever the reason for considering redesigning your website, this mission is not trivial in the life of your business and for the growth of web development as well.

If you do not want this reshuffle to affect your image, your positioning and your results, it is advisable to treat this overhaul in its entirety and especially not to fall into the classic errors. There are few reasons why website is important for your business.When you know them, you will get the excellent output.

1 – Do not take into account the existing

A project to redesign a website must be well prepared and defined upstream because, without it, it can have disastrous consequences a posterior.

Now, which says redesign says existing and if you wish to modify it, it is a safe bet that something does not suit you anymore in the state. But wanting new blood does not necessarily mean that everything has to be thrown away.

Analyzing your existing will allow you to become aware of the positives and areas for improvement.


2 – Do not clearly define your objectives

The overhaul of your website must be part of a logic of profitability and overall marketing strategy of the company to enable you to improve your current results or to achieve new business objectives.

But for that, it is still necessary that these objectives are clearly defined.

Too often, this phase is either completely forgotten or barely overflown. In this case, how to adapt his tool to his needs?


3 – Do not integrate SEO

During your redesign, you will have to edit pages, create new ones, delete others.

All this will influence your positioning. However, a site badly referenced in search engines deprives itself of a good part of its potential traffic and all too often, this aspect being neglected during a redesign, we are left with the following case.

It’s scary, is not it?


4 – Do not think that design

A common mistake found during redo is the focus on the visual. We want a modern site, original, with great visuals because we liked this or that site.

But no upstream thinking is conducted and the redesign is only the redesign of a design that either does not meet the expectations of your audience, or will not optimize SEO, or will be so original that you will be able to envisage a new redesign the following year to remain “in the mood”.


5 – Lack of patience

When the decision is made to redesign the site, the desire to quickly see the finalized product is great.

However, giving in to this impatience does not do any good. As you will have understood, in order to make a success of your redesign, you must follow a coherent plan of action defined beforehand.

It takes time, but a well-prepared project is a project that increases its chances of success.


6 – Focusing on aesthetics instead of functionality

The overall attitude you should be having is to reshape your website in a way so that it looks better and works recovered as well after your redesign has been completed. However, the reality is that these two will sometimes overlap and you will have to choose one or the other. Good looks are simply no substitute for smart layouts and easy navigability.

You should always make sure that your website is functional above everything, that it has good search, and that it is created to make it easy for visitors so that they can easily find what they are looking for.


7- No analysis of the website

It is impossible  to achieve the desired goals and results those you want without analyzing your website for the crucial metrics.When you audit your website for analytics data and KPIs you will be able to understand all of your problems, missed opportunities, things that are working and things that aren’t. These things are quite valuable and they must be considered when creating a new design or structure of a website.You should  confirm that to monitor these benchmarks once you’ve relaunched your site so that you immediately caught on and fix any new problems that might appear. With this information you can also see how your redesign has improved your site, so make sure that you ask for these metrics from whoever is redesigning your site.


8- Budget

If you have already done a website redesign many years ago? You shouldn’t expect that you will get away with the same budget as you did that time, but  it will not the same everytime.Especially if you are expecting a lot from your redesign. Today there are so many businesses those are competing with each other and want to provide the best services to the consumer to satisfy their needs.With some advanced functions such as content management systems and responsive design which are essential to providing a great user experience and exceptional website functionality you simply cannot expect to pay the same amount as you did a couple years ago. Modern websites need to be custom in order to be attractive, it’s simply a standard.


9- Setting unrealistic deadlines

It takes time to do a proper website redesign. There are multiple  stages  that you must go through and they are usually: research, wire framing, content creation, changing design, development, and last but not list testing and reviewing your website. This can take up to three months, depending how wide your redesign is and you cannot afford to rush things.

People usually want to speed up the whole process because they are scared that they will lose their current clients. This is a total mistake, as it means you will have to cut corners, which will ultimately lead to  good results your clients will not appreciate. This brings us to the next mistake.


10- Wrong choice of the designers

It’s a simple fact that your brand new website will be as good as the company you partner up with to perform your redesign. Your website is possibly one of the most important marketing assets your business can have online and this is why you cannot hire someone who doesn’t have quality technical and design abilities. Your partner needs to have advertising prowess and relevant industry knowledge or you could have a catastrophic end result.


Final Thoughts

A website redesign can be a great investment in terms of both time and money, and this is why it must be done with caution and with a plan. If you avoid making these mistakes, this website will definitely help to promote your business.

By following above mentioned points,you now have no excuse for your site redesign. You know the points to consider and how not to fall into their traps. Do you feel ready to go? Find suitable team at your disposal to accompany you in this redesign, visit Topxlisting to hire the best designer and development company.