Improve Your Natural Referencing With a Silo Structure

Search engines give a good position to sites that respond appropriately to a topic or theme that users are looking for. The main objective of a silo strategy in SEO is to address all topics that revolve around a theme. Websites that have multi-topic content make it difficult for indexing robots to impact positions in the SERPs. Doing a Siloing job on your website offers an opportunity to perfectly deal with one or more targeted topics. What is silo mesh? How to set it up to improve its ranking in search engines? The e-commerce solution WiziShop gives you all its advice to create a silo structure on its website.


The term: silo mesh

Google’s mission is: “Organize global information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Google uses an algorithm to measure the relevance of the topic in order to assign rankings. To rank keywords in Google, Yahoo and Bing, a site must provide information organized within a clear structure. On a website, it is crucial to address specific topics related to the topic targeted.It is at this time that the notion of silo intervenes.

Siloing is used to identify clusters of related information in separate sections of a website.

Just like chapters in a book, a silo is a group of thematic content or specific topics within your site.

The SEO Bruce Clay was inspired by this idea to create the concept of siloing. This is a method of creating an effective internal mesh and a good website structure. The general idea is to create links between pages of the same theme. The targeted semantic world gains in power and confidence. When the crawlers crawl the entire site, the theme is quickly analyzed and they notice that the subject is treated in depth.

The implementation of the mesh in silo

Keyword audit

Before starting to implement your silo architecture, you must analyze the semantic world of your sector of activity and your theme. This analysis is crucial to effectively define the relevant keywords and especially the degree of importance of each. You can then highlight the main, secondary and long tail requests.

To break down your semantic universe and the lexical field to target, you can list keywords by theme, priority and type of needs. You will learn about the needs of your users, the queries and terms they are looking for and discover the semantic slips of your target.

To do this, you can list the competitors who are well positioned on the topic in question and analyze, via the SEMrush tool, all keywords of the site.

You can also use Google Keyword Planner, Google’s keyword research tool, accessible in the Adwords interface.

To examine the competition on these keywords and get an idea of how difficult it is to position yourself, you can look at the number of results in the search engines. Another method, with the command below, you can study the number of pages present on well-positioned sites.


The SEMRush Keyword Difficulty tool also analyzes the difficulty of several keywords. It offers a positioning estimate in seconds.

With these different combinations, you’ll have a good idea of the keywords to target and the amount of content needed to compete with the top ranking pages.

The different semantic levels

Depending on your activity and theme, you create content of different levels to target the entire lexical field. This content can span different levels.

The silo design

Once you start linking content between them, be sure to link the same thematic articles. For example, if you have a lifestyle blog, you can link an article on travel to your other articles that also talk about travel. Avoid making cross-links between different themes!

With this internal mesh, your visitors will navigate from one article to another by staying on the same topic.

In return, if your site has a mesh that goes in all directions with mixed themes, your silos will experience semantic confusion. Search engines will have a hard time defining your themes and your SEO will be negatively impacted. In setting up a siloing structure, it is therefore important to take into account various factors.

When you read articles on a website, you often encounter articles of the same theme at the bottom of the posts. You should do the same on your site by displaying only articles in the same category and avoid random recommendations. It’s the same for the sidebar with recent, popular articles… The display must be relevant for your internal mesh.

Same note for enriched menus: when setting up your menu, the drop-down lists can blur the design of your silo and hurt your SEO.


This natural SEO strategy based on content and mesh is an excellent lever to increase your position in search engines and improve navigation within your website. Of course, there are many ways and techniques to create a silo structure. On the Internet, you can find articles that will explain, in full, the establishment of the internal mesh. Feel free to push your knowledge and implement siloing to conquer the top 3 in the search engines! And you can hire the best digital marketing agency to help you out.

About author
Grayson Roy is a technical writer. He has 6+ years of experience writing excellent software documentation and templates. He is a well-organized and creative technical writer. He is highly skilled in explaining highly complex systems as well as processes. His work represents research papers, checklists, disclaimers, and client-facing appropriate instructional guidelines.

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