Top 6 Legitimate Ways to Building YouTube Channel Authority

Most of us are unaware of fact that channel authority plays a very important role in ranking our Youtube videos. Now, how you can improve your channel authority? Well, you don’t have worry too much about it because  I have legitimate ways to building YouTube Channel Authority.

Legitimate Ways to Building YouTube Channel Authority

1. Your Channel’s Branding And Messaging

This is one of the most underestimated things which we generally forget while talking about ways to building youtube channel authority.

If your channel is same like others and there is no motive of your channel then it will lose in millions of other channels.

If you don’t know what exactly you are doing on your YouTube channel then you are just wasting your time nothing else.

Give some time to think on tagline or slogan of your channel. It should be simple and easy.

2. YouTube Channel Header

You need to be very careful and creative while choosing the channel header. It should be simple and eye grabbing. It’s very rare that someone visits your channel but when they visit to make sure they don’t return without subscribing your channel.

3. About Page Description

Your YouTube channel has About section and I am damn sure that most of you reading this have not fill it, right? Now without wasting your time start writing a good description and don’t forget to include your channel tagline or slogan in it and also try to insert in the beginning of it.

4. Playlists

Playlist plays a very important role while doing building youtube channel authority. It acts like a category for your videos.

Make sure when you name your playlists, try to pick words that can be used as keywords. Like if you are mentioning SEO tutorials then your playlist would be “Advanced SEO Strategies”.

5. Number of Subscribers

Do you think that more subscribers boost your video ranking? Well frankly speaking it’s very hard to say. But friends it really affects your video ranking direct and indirect way.

Now don’t underestimate subscribers they are really very important. If you are making really out of the box content they are your free viewers for whom you don’t have to put much effort.

So how to increase the number of subscribers?

#1 Channel Trailer

If you made videos on specific category then it is very easy to make a channel trailer but what is channel trailer? Making channel trailer is one of the best ways to building YouTube channel Authority.

When someone lands on your channel page it will automatically play a video which you’ve set in that page.

Now don’t underestimate this feature because it can fetch lots of potential subscribers. Make a video which tells your potential subscribers that who are you, what is channel uniqueness, why should anyone subscribe to your channel.

Don’t make your channel trailer long. One minute intro is enough.

#2 Ask For Subscribe

You have seen it almost in every YouTube video that YouTuber is asking for subscribing the channel at the end of their video.

Now if you are not doing then you are making a very big mistake. Because sometimes your potential subscribers just need a little nudge when they finish the video. You can also use the “Subscribe” Call to Action button at the end of your videos.

#3 Link Your Channel

If you have any blog then don’t forget to add your channel link in your blog. If you don’t have any blog then make sure mention it everywhere where you can, like in your social media accounts.

So, friends, these are some legitimate ways to building youtube channel authority. Further, in next post, I will tell you how to rank your YouTube videos in Google and other video promotion strategies. Till then stay update and read my previous to learn more about YouTube video optimization.

Top 5 Ways To Optimize YouTube Videos For Top Ranking

About author
Grayson Roy is a technical writer. He has 6+ years of experience writing excellent software documentation and templates. He is a well-organized and creative technical writer. He is highly skilled in explaining highly complex systems as well as processes. His work represents research papers, checklists, disclaimers, and client-facing appropriate instructional guidelines.

We build digital products that help you unlock opportunities and embrace innovation.

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